
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Team in Training. Ready, Set, Go!

I've signed up to run a half marathon on May 1st in support of my brother-in-law Mike Gregory and old friend Tom Haney who are currently undergoing treatment. And for our dear friend Greg Watson who recently lost his battle with cancer.

This is a pretty big deal for me since I've become quite fond of the couch in recent years and haven't put on running shoes to actually run in a very long time.

I'm really excited about my training team and the opportunity to get in shape while raising money for LLS at the same time. I have a goal of $2,500. My first donation came from my awesome in-laws. I would love it if you could also help support me with a donation.

You can click on the box to the right and make a donation today. Or visit my page right here: Don Mulkey

Thank you for your support!

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