
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Inspiration on the highway

Where do you get inspiration?

Do you ever wonder where creative people get their ideas? I saw this truck on 101 heading north yesterday. I grabbed my camera off the front seat and starting snapping shots hoping that one of them would actually be a picture of the tree. 'Cuz I was driving after all. I couldn't exactly look through the view finder.

How amazing is this tree?

I immediately pictured the most fabulous table made from this tree.

I hope that is its destination.

Seriously. How cool would this be in a swanky hotel or office building.

I hope I stumble upon it someday.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Custom Ottoman Cubes

A typical request here is to create something someone saw in a magazine, or someone else's home. They always have their own unique specifications, er, design touch to add. But that's what is awesome about what we do.

We can custom-make anything you want. Anything.

We recently had a customer walk in with a bolt of fabric and request to make two ottoman cubes. She had seem something similar in a store in San Francisco but they were too small, and they couldn't be ordered in another size, plus she didn't really care for the base.

She had very definite ideas of the size, color of the legs, and shape and spacing of where the legs should be placed. She knew exactly what she wanted. We chatted for about 10 minutes. Worked up a sketch and estimate. She approved it. Handed over her fabric. Done.

Ten days later she had these.

And she was thrilled with the result.

They are just what she wanted.

Perfect. Another happy customer. Yay.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Did the dog eat your couch?

This week is bad doggie week here at Pollin's.

We've had a new customer every day with a piece of furniture that has been eaten by their beloved pooch. I think the dogs are a bit stir crazy and they're taking it out on the furniture.

Caller #1  

"The dog ate the armrest of our leather couch. Can you fix it with the same color leather?"


Caller #2 

"Hello? Our dog ate the pillow on the couch. It's attached. Can you fix it?"


Caller #3

"Hi, our dog ate the foam in the chair cushion and it needs to be replaced. The fabric is fine. He unzipped it."

"Ok. We can fix it. Really? He unzipped it?

30 minutes later the owner is here with the cushion. He's right. The fabric is fine. That is one crafty dog.

Ok. We'll have it ready for you tomorrow"

"You can't do it now? Uh, that's the cushion on my dog's chair. uh.............ok." and he left with his tail between his legs. The dude. Not the dog.

Caller #4

"Hi. My dog ate my sofa...."

"Uh huh. Welcome to 'dog ate my furniture week' here at Pollin's."

Folks, I think it's time to take the dogs out for a walk or a romp on the beach.

Just sayin'.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Art Deco Magnificance

I saw these pictures on the California Home and Design website and just had to share them with you. How amazing is this art deco space? If you get to Santa Monica you have to check it out. The hotel was built in 1929 and recently underwent a huge renovation. I would love to see more.

Hotel Shangri La. You are fabulous.