
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Team in Training. Ready, Set, Go!

I've signed up to run a half marathon on May 1st in support of my brother-in-law Mike Gregory and old friend Tom Haney who are currently undergoing treatment. And for our dear friend Greg Watson who recently lost his battle with cancer.

This is a pretty big deal for me since I've become quite fond of the couch in recent years and haven't put on running shoes to actually run in a very long time.

I'm really excited about my training team and the opportunity to get in shape while raising money for LLS at the same time. I have a goal of $2,500. My first donation came from my awesome in-laws. I would love it if you could also help support me with a donation.

You can click on the box to the right and make a donation today. Or visit my page right here: Don Mulkey

Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's time for new patio cushions

I don't know about you. But our patio cushions take a beating every winter here in California. We try to remember to bring them in out of the rain. But sometimes it just doesn't happen. And once they're wet, you have to let them dry before they can be stored. It's a never ending cycle of out-wet-in-dry. get the idea.

They can easily be cleaned. Most cushions can be tossed in your washing machine and air dried. But after a few seasons they do start to look a little sad.

Now is the perfect time to get them recovered. We're still in weather transition. The sun is shining today. But it could pour tomorrow. A few more weeks of this and we're on our way to a sunny spring.

Need some inspiration? Visit Homestead Restaurant at Longmeadow Ranch in St. Helena. Take a rest on their patio. Lucky for them they have a huge covered patio so the cushions we made will last a lot longer.

Enjoy some good food. Browse through their garden. Then star planning your own patio refresh!

Homestead Restaurant, St. Helena

Yummy steak and crispy potatoes.

Cheesy biscuits.

Elli made a friend.

See you soon in Napa!